Support with managing your prescribed medication.
It’s not always easy keeping track of and taking your prescribed medication. We can help you in administering your prescription medication, as well as developing a personalised plan for managing your medicines.
This can involve us reviewing for you the the medicines you are currently taking, checking that your medicines are stored correctly & seeing if you would benefit from a dose administration aid or other system to remind you to take your medicines on the right day and at the right time.
Management of medicines by our qualified health professionals makes your managing your medical needs easier and gives you peace of mind knowing you're appropriately using the medicines prescribed to you.
We can come to your home to help you administer your medication
Provide reminder phone calls if you need help remembering what medicines to take & when to take them
Provide you with training so that you can learn how to best administer medication to yourself
The healthcare team who visit you at home work closely with your River Guide who is experienced and highly skilled in case management. Your River Guide will ensures that all aspects of care are brought together under the guidance of one experienced staff member. There is a staff member available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to discuss any queries or concerns you may have.

I'm always looking forward to my visits as I know there's always benefits. After my accident some three years ago, any help I can get is very welcome.